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The owner/caretaker, by leaving his/her cat for boarding at Cat Hotel Stoney Creek, agrees to the following conditions:

  1. A current vaccination certificate is required, showing that (booster) vaccination against cat flu and enteritis has been administered within the last 12 months, at least 14 days before check in. All vaccinations must cover the period of boarding.
  2. Vet-approved flea treatment (within last month) and worm treatment (within last 3 months) must also be up to date. If a cat in our care has worms or fleas present or if it is due for treatment, it will be treated at the owner’s expense.
  3. Accounts payable preferably by internet banking before check out (we’re with ASB, our bank account number is 12.3046.0443185.00, Cat Hotel Stoney Creek Ltd) or upon collection in cash, as we do not have eftpos facilities.
  4. No surcharges for Christmas and Easter holidays, but if during these peak periods boarding is terminated early, days booked will be charged.
  5. Any debt collections fees that are incurred will be added to the outstanding account of the cat’s owner.
  6. We reserve the right to make suitable arrangements for any cat left in our care 21 days after the due collection date if no contact is made by the owner/caretaker.
  7. It is our policy to arrange veterinary advice/treatment at the owner’s expense should it be considered necessary to do so, and to act upon this advice ensuring the well-being of the cat at all times.
  8. Our facilities and management practices are maintained to a very high standard and we endeavour to give your cat the very best professional care. However, we accept no responsibility for any illness, injury, death or loss for any reason whatsoever.